Apex has two kinds of community opportunities: mentors and volunteers. Here's what you can expect with each.
Volunteers do not interact directly with youth. These are the people that help keep things rolling at Apex by volunteering for events, fundraising campaigns, special projects, committees, or facilities help. Typically, these opportunities are one-time and report to the Executive Director or to the Facilities Chair.
Volunteers need to be dependable and able to physically perform whatever role they choose.
Mentors are crucial to helping us meet our goals of connecting youth to their best future. All mentors interact directly with youth, some developing long-term relationships and some with shorter experiences. Mentors report to the Program Manager.
Examples of mentor opportunities include, but are not limited to:
Essential duties for mentors:
Because our youth and our staff are counting on you, a mentor must be dependable and able to honor their commitment. Mentors must be good role models and can help facilitate connections for youth - with one another, their community, and their futures. Program specific duties will be explained individually.
Mentors should have a strong interest in working and connecting with teens (prior experience working with youth not required) and the ability to understand and enforce Apex Youth Connection’s safety protocols and Accountability Expectations, which will be trained at a basic level for mentors.
Volunteering at Apex can be one-time event or an ongoing relationship with a specific program or function. The commitment is up to the volunteer.
Volunteers need to be dependable and able to physically perform whatever role they choose.
Mentors are crucial to helping us meet our goals of connecting youth to their best future. All mentors interact directly with youth, some developing long-term relationships and some with shorter experiences. Mentors report to the Program Manager.
Examples of mentor opportunities include, but are not limited to:
- Business mentors for our job readiness youth.
- Mentors to accompany youth and staff on excursions.
- Local professionals hosting an online or in-person informational meeting with our youth who are interested in pursuing that profession.
- Local professionals hosting online or in-person seminars teaching resume building, financial literacy, interviewing skills, or public speaking.
Essential duties for mentors:
Because our youth and our staff are counting on you, a mentor must be dependable and able to honor their commitment. Mentors must be good role models and can help facilitate connections for youth - with one another, their community, and their futures. Program specific duties will be explained individually.
Mentors should have a strong interest in working and connecting with teens (prior experience working with youth not required) and the ability to understand and enforce Apex Youth Connection’s safety protocols and Accountability Expectations, which will be trained at a basic level for mentors.
Volunteering at Apex can be one-time event or an ongoing relationship with a specific program or function. The commitment is up to the volunteer.